Keynote Presentations:
1) R. Schober. Synthetic Molecular Communications. Intern. Conf. on Advanced Commun. Technologies and
Netw. , Rabat, Marocco, Apr. 2019.
2) R. Schober. Synthetic Molecular Communications: Fundamentals, Opportunities, and Challenges. Intern.
Symp. On Turbo Codes & Iterative Information Processing , Hong Kong, Dec. 2018.
3) R. Schober. Synthetic Molecular Communications: Fundamentals, Opportunities, and Challenges. European
Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) , Rome, Italy, Sep. 2018.
4) R. Schober. Synthetic Molecular Communication for Future Nano-Communication Networks. Fourth International
Symposium on Ubiquitous Networking (UNET), Hammamet, Tunisia, May 2018.
5) R. Schober. Synthetic Molecular Communication. IEEE / CIC International Conference on Communications in
China , Qingdao, China, Oct. 2017th
1) R. Schober. Synthetic Molecular Communications: Fundamentals, Results, and Challenges. TUM Munich,
Jul. 2018.
2) R. Schober. Synthetic Molecular Communications: Fundamentals, Results, and Challenges. TU Hamburg-
Harburg, Apr. 2018.
3) R. Schober. Molecular Communications in Mobile Systems. University of Toronto, Sept. 2017.