
While conventional communication systems rely on electromagnetic waves, Molecular Communication (MC) encodes information into the properties of small particles. This allows communication between nodes with sizes on the order of nanometers and micrometers, and in fluidic and biological environments w...

Kategorie: Aktuelles, Lehre

Kenneth Mayer, Amine Lahmeri, and Lukas Brand attended and successfully presented their work at this year's IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), one of the flagship conferences of the IEEE Communications Society, in Denver, Colorado, USA. Robert Schober, President of the IEEE Co...

Kategorie: Aktuelles, Forschung

Amine Lahmeri and Lukas Brand won 3rd and 1st place, respectively, in the IEEE Communications Society's Four-Minute-Thesis (4MT) competition. The 4MT competition challenged graduate students to explain their research topic to a broad, non-specialist audience in just 4 minutes. In the preliminary rou...

Kategorie: Aktuelles, Awards

IDC researchers Nikita Shanin, Hedieh Ajam, Vasilis K. Papanikolaou, Laura Cottatellucci, and Robert Schober have received Best Paper Award 2023 from the TAOS technical committee (TC) of the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) for their Globecom 2023 paper: “EH Modelling and Achievable Rate for FSO...

Kategorie: Aktuelles, Awards

In diesem Jahr stellt die FAU Stipendien von je 3.600 Euro für Studierende des Studiengangs Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik zur Verfügung. Bewerben können sich Studierende mit einem Notenschnitt von mindestens 2,0. Jetzt online bewerben: 

Kategorie: Aktuelles